I’m excited to announce that I’ve just launched a free bonus to Chinese Medicine Explained called The Introvert’s Guide to Chinese Medicine Explained.
Following this program means not only educating yourself on how to discuss acupuncture in scientific terms but it means putting yourself out there as a public speaker and a leader in your field. These may be seen as extroverted activities but so many of us are introverts. I’m an ambivert which is somewhere in the middle of the introvert-extrovert spectrum.

It’s a strange feeling to be both an extrovert and an introvert at the same time. It means that I dread the public event like an introvert but once I’m there and immersed in it, I enjoy it like an extrovert. It’s the best of both worlds. Or, a double curse, depending on your perspective. What it means for Chinese Medicine Explained is that I share your excitement and I understand your struggle, no matter where you fall on that spectrum.
This little guidebook is meant to be a companion guide to the original guidebook. You still need to watch the video of me doing a lunch and learn, become familiar with the material in the PowerPoint presentation, and customize the handouts to your practice. This bonus guide addresses a typical introvert’s frustrations and fears and gives you many alternatives to the original CME approach.
If you’ve previously purchased CME prior to the launch of The Introvert’s Guide in April 2020, you are eligible to receive this bonus for free. I will send it to you by email. However, if you purchased through Brad Whisnant’s site, I do have not access to your contact info, so you’ll need to contact me to receive the new Introvert’s Guide.