If someone asks you a question you don’t know the answer to, never fear. This is great news and I’ll tell you why. This gives you an opportunity
- 1) to compliment them on what a great question they just asked
- 2) and to have an excuse to re-connect with them in a few days.
There is power in pausing when you feel stumped. Just look them in the eye, take a breath, and pause. Then say the 8 magic words:
Let me get back to you on that.
So, here’s an example of how this might play out:
MD: “I have a question and it’s so obscure/unique that you don’t know the answer to it right now.”
You: “Oh wow, Dr. Bryden, that’s a great question. No one has ever asked me that before. I’d love to give you a really thorough answer, so let me get back to you on that. Would you mind writing your email address down right here and I can send you an answer by the end of the week?”
MD: “Sure, that’d be great. I’m really curious. Thanks!”
Then, of course, it goes without saying – but I’m gonna say it anyway – that you absolutely have to get back to them by the end of the week.
- Call your colleagues
- Google it
- Ask your favorite professor
- Post it in your acupuncture Facebook group
- Bend over backward!
- Whatever you have to do to get that answer, do it!
This gives you the opportunity to show the doctor 1) that you are reliable because you did what you said you were going to do when you were going to do it and 2) that you are super smart because you figured out an answer to their brilliant question.
Side benefit: you also get their email address because you might want to send them a hot-off-the-press acupuncture research article a month or two down the road thereby keeping you top of mind with Dr. Bryden.
Side note: these 8 magic words work really well when anyone asks you to do something that you don’t really want to do but you’re not sure how to say no in that moment. Use the power of pause so that you can find the right words.